Virtual Branch

The Virtual Branch is an online only branch that serves as a way for members to meet and share information where they can’t get to a physical branch meeting. Not everyone can travel all the time, and sometimes we can’t travel around the world. The virtual branch is global

The physical form is online meetings. The virtual branch meets online in Zoom once a month on the last Sunday. Everyone is welcome. We may have a theme, and sometimes we may do a presentation, but largely we do a show and tell and discuss all things medal related.

The Zoom link will be sent out before the meetings to all members. There is no need to formally join the branch, it is a branch that is always there for you when you need to talk medals.

The upcoming meetings for 2024 are 10am UK time on these dates:

30 June

28 July

25 August

29 September

27 October

1 December

The secretary of the branch is: Ryan Darby

He can be reached on the following email :