OMRS Virtual Convention 22 February 2025!

In 2024, the Orders and Medals Research Society trialled a virtual convention via Zoom which proved to be very successful. As a result the OMRS will again present the Virtual Convention in 2025! It will take place via Zoom on Saturday 22nd February at 4pm UK time. Both members and non-members, domestic and international, are welcome to attend this free, online event.
Join us for a series of absorbing and diverse medal related presentations from OMRS members.
The agenda is:
  • Welcome by the president.
  • The Queen’s Scarf, by Simon Ralph.
  • The medal Churchill didn’t want, by Jon Toohey
  • The Next-of-Kin Memorial Plaque and the making of the post-war memory with ancient imagery, by Giles Penman.
The sessions are approximately 30 minutes each, with an anticipated end before 6pm.
Attendees can register via the News section of the OMRS website homepage which contains the following link: 
Attendees will be sent the Zoom link on the day of the event. The Trustees and Organisers look forward to welcoming you on the day!